Once a party reaches a Settlement, they receive a number of opportunities to interact with the settlement (Either by Referee Discretion {Probably Party Member #+2} or other an exploration Mechanic) outside of buying dungeoneering supplies. The purpose of the limited opportunities is two fold. First, it reduces the amount of time spent waiting for PC's do some obnoxious thing while the rest of the party sits in silence by placing a limit of what can be done. Second, it implies a need for pro activity, the time constraints force the party to do "important" things rather than silly ones.
The following list should be accessible for the Players so they know their options in each settlement. Likewise the Referee portion of the downtime mechanic would be settlement specific. I know that when I made settlements based on this mechanic, rather than on "world-building" I was able to make them much more player focused and because it really focused on what the players can interact with. Once in a settlement and after resupplying, the party gains a number of opportunities to interact with the settlement based on the following list. The players must choose who engages in what downtime activity as the more members who do an action the more likely it is beneficial.
Art by Pieter Bruegel the Elder |
1. Discover What Lies Past (This Settlement)
Researching information about traveling away from civilization is very important. A character doing this is able to ask about how far away another settlement is (in terms of days of travel), what kind of menaces lie in what direction (both monster and terrain), or even the site of a dungeon filled with treasures. (Previous thoughts on maps
2. Make Friends
A character who chooses to go out and make friends has the opportunity to make a charisma check in order to obtain hirelings and a 25% chance to meet a friendly NPC.
3. Carousing
By spending at least 100 silver (or another arbitrary value choice by the Referee), a character gains (silver spent/100)^2 * 100Xp for going out and socializing/drinking and must make a charisma check to avoid a mishap. (I use
this mishap table)
4. Find Rumors
This is where you feed your player's plot-hooks. A character receives 1 + their Charisma Modifier in rumors
5. Sight-see/Relax
A character choosing to relax or sight-see reduces his trauma by one point, gains an extra 1HP until the end of the next combat, and gets to have the Referee describe some part of the settlement/surrounding area to him and give him some lore about the area.
6. Go Shopping
A Character choosing to go shopping may either purchase location unique items (such as gunpowder) or spend silver on frivolous things (such as an obnoxious hat) at a rate of 2 silver for 1 XP.
7. Rest and Recover
By choosing to engage in recovery a character gains an extra 1HP per level until the end of the next combat, further they are allowed a new save against any condition or disease that they have.
8. Research/Find a Scholar
By successfully making an intelligence check, a character is able to ask the Referee 1d3 questions (which are to be answered truthfully as the knowledge would be known in setting). Otherwise they may spend 100 silver to consult a scholar and ask the Referee a single question.
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