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Art by Adam Paquette |
Let's go Carousing
Get to Ozborn at night and it's always dusk while you're there
Ozborn was built on top of an Old goblin keep which leads into the goblin realms. The keep was repurpoused into a sprawling sewer system
Malina Chorna - Revived Death by Fire, from Gyre Islands
Opulescence the Jewel Mask - Wizard of the Sucrose
Kledon - Guest of Ruler Wulfgang at Fort Etxeberria
Ax Gang - Harass everyone but generally incompetent, encountered in 3d8 amounts
Goblin-head Duo - Masks of Leather, Manage Portal Works
Ramirez the Last Goblin -
Duboshit - Leatherbound servant of Ramirez the Last Goblin
Dynamo - No Peace will Come from carrying arms
Erasmus - Undead Sorceror, Pale White Ghost, Butterfly Blade Magic Weapon
Wolfgang - Rain Eroded Zahra Jewels in his chest piece, resides on the Philosphers's throne
Hollows - Katana Wielding enforcers of Wolf
Baalzebul - Young old faith Cleric, triple beam swarm of locusts
Ha Ring - Bodyguard of Baalzebul, bleached hair
Aquarias Kari - Member of the Hollows and grows Senzu Beans
Council of Woe: Erasmus (Metaphysical), Shinta (Economic), Wulfgang (Defense)
Natives of Ozborn wear Masks
Outsiders are offered free masks
Ax Gang, doesn't and instead carry axes
Weapons are free to carry but strong significance in carrying
Carousing NPC Encounter Table
Carousing Mishap Table 1d5
1. 1d6+2 Hollows and a human servant of Wulfgang surround the character. They accuse the character of being responsible for a magical duel fought atop of a cathedral roof last night. The character has either the option of agreeing to the charge or seek out the actual culprit (real sorceror), who slayed their last opponent by eldritch might.
2. A woman falls into the street from the second story window in front of the character and dies on impact. Soon after, the character notices a hooded figure skillfully dropping, uninjured, from another second story window facing into the alley. The figure quickly disappears into a maze of side streets.
3. The character finds an item they have been seeking in the marketplace. As the purchase is completed and they are about to leave, a stranger rushes up to the merchant shouting, "I know you have it [NPC NAME], and I want my back back now!" The stranger is missing his entire torso.
4. Returning from the night, the characters find that a pair of young lovers have taken the characters's room as refuge to meet in. They are sought after by families that do not approve of their love. If the character chooses to aid them there is a 2 in 6 chance that the families will find out and send assassins after them.
5. The character is resting in their room when suddenly the door bursts open. A well-armed man with weapon drawn storms in and says, "Don't move, I've...crap, wrong room." The intruder then quickly exits, if followed he will identify himself as a member of the BLACK KULT.
Ozborn Monster Descriptions
Ax Gang
Immaculately dressed the crowd mirrors the axes in their hands. The off white metal matching their fine silks and the black handle matching their coats and boots. They cackle and jeer at you. They wear no masks but instead style their hair similarly. Each has slicked it back with tar, leaving it a single unmoving mass. A unifromly thin mustache and goatee covers the lower half of their face.
White slabs emerge from black hoods. Each an orgy of wild angles. Their cloaks must hide the shame as their hunched forms contain no curve or symmetry. If one could fully right itself it may two heads taller than a man, but instead they skulk forward. hands draw curved swords with a single edge and they advance each at a jagged pace.
Your blade sinks into the cloaked flesh and tears it open. No blood spills to the ground and your sword is not painted either.
They all lie dead, slabs and cloaks. As you investigate the bodies you find nothing within the cloaks. Simply a sense of animosity.
As you enter the room a darkness menaces out of the corner of your eye. You turn around swinging your torch in order to illuminate the enemy but find nothing. In your peripheral vision a wide maw opens white teeth and a howl is heard.
You grip the torch tightly as something lashes out from behind you. The torch falls to the ground and darkness envelops you.
In that darkness, you see it. A slavering maw full of needles below two red eyes. That mouth twice the width of man's shoulders.
The torch is lit and it dissipates a mocking cry eminating from it's maw.
Poser Sorceror
Surrounded by a few fellows. A long haired figure slouches before you. Squatting in the corner of the room, all of them smoking, he looks up at meets your gaze. Gold dangles from his fingers, ears, and neck. He is clad in a dark clothing with esoteric images embroidered on them. The demeanor of his companions immediately informs you their are his faithful lackeys, riding his coat-tails with a deathgrip.
He introduces himself to you and ask how you find yourself here.
Goblin Shadows
As you enter further into the room your torch causes the shadows of the room to coalesce into yellow eyes. Then into grey flesh riddled with archaic symbols. They are many. Each mishappen and wretched. None taller than your chest, and each equally pathetic. They hold crude instruments of war, a kid's attempt of picking a prop that resemble swords. They mutter and shriek to one another, fearful of the torch light. None have shadows, neither do they have fine details. Perhaps they are not worthy of those yet.
They do not approach instead merely avoid where the light of the torch spills out. Some hide behind rotted furniture, some force their bodies into the crevises in the walls, some even take to the ceiling to escape.
The air reeks of ozone as a lone figure enters into your vision. Untouched by dirt his clothes are all bespoke and elegant. White robes swaddle his body and contrast with the grimy and soiled floor below his feet. He doesn't speak but merely stares through you.
Church of the Mouse
A solemn temple stands amidst the fog. Forms of clergy walk further inside, each masked. You enter further and they turn to you. Edifices of wood covering their appearence and a mouse sits on the shoulder of each. They don't seem to have weapons instead a simple rope belt surrounds their waist. They sand silently as if waiting for you to speak.
In response a mouse sitting on the shoulder of the monk in front of you squeeks.
One leaves and then returns with a vial. He sets it down before you and steps back a distance before gesturing to it as the mouse squeeks yet again.
You imbibe the potion and suddenly the squeeking of the mice turns to words. The mice introduces themselves to you:
"We are the beautiful ones." Please, if you wish to take shelter enter our home.
You enter the temple and instead inside find a forest glen. They offer you another vial.
"Though we do not merely offer all in charitable assistance, we have need for defense against eye-blights, we can tell your our own occult truths, but for a price"
Wilted Goblin Tree
Roots penetrate from the floor upwards. Warted and black these tentacles coil together and branch out like a tree. It reeks of vommit and seemingly bleeds slime from it's three open wounds.
Goblin Tree
You recognize the mass of wires, tubules, and unnatural shapes as another fruit from which Goblin-Fruits grow.
Stilt Walker
It stands a little taller than you, the figure's meager chest puny in comparison to the length stretched out for its limbs. Bones clearly broken and lengthened outwards. What may have once been a mouth full of few teeth has been replaced by a maw of iron nails, each rusted. Similar to the etchings of the goblin shadows the flesh of the figure is marked. Symbols archaic but easily understood. Torture, death, and woe to ontu others. Two yellow orbs each without a pupil stare back at you filled with envy and loathing; of joys you have had, of friends you had made, of smiles shared in confidence. Each something this creature has never enjoyed. It snarls unafraid of the light and raises its hands to evoke eldritch power.
You enter the room and see a seated figure. As you stare at the figures pale body every use of the word gaunt now seems insincere. His skin is more tightly wound than the rope around the hanged man. Veins, muscle fibers, and bones menace outward as if every non-essential viscera was discarded. A thin beard covers his mouth and a mop of black of hair is tied back atop itself. His head bowed, shadows cast from his brow turn his eyes into caverns above sharp cheekbones. Both hands supinated sit empty above a black cloth surround his lower body.
A halo shimmers around his head, a tumult of white and gold the only clean thing in these filthy halls. Extending from between his shoulder blades it's zenith ends several inches above his forehead, the sphere centered between his brow.
A moment passes and both eyes open, each filled with flame.
Ax Gang HD1 DEF2 DAM1d6 MV12 SV6 MO8
Grue HD5 DEF2 DAM1d6/1d6/1d8 MV8 SV9 MO15
Goblin Shadows HD0 DEF0 DAM1d6 MV12 SV6 MO5
Hollows HD4 DEF6 DAM1d8+2 MV13 SV9 MO20
Poser Sorceror HD- DEF0 DAM1d6+1 MV12 SV9 MO10
Lackeys HD1 DEF0 DAM1d6 MV12 SV6 MO8
Stilt Walker HD2 DEF0 DAM1d6 MV12 SV6 MO5
Sorceror HD- DEF4 DAM2d6+2 MV12 SV13 MO15
Magical Items that can be purchased in Ozborn
Bottle Imp: Black
Answers one question truthfully. Knows everything that Hell knows (which is damn near everything). If you eat it, or if it crawls down the throat of an intact corpse, it can possess that body for 30 minutes. Dies quickly upon contact with air. Can only answer questions that start with “what”.
Bottle Imp: Blue
Answers one question truthfully. Knows everything that Hell knows (which is damn near everything). If you eat it, or if it crawls down the throat of an intact corpse, it can possess that body for 30 minutes. Dies quickly upon contact with air. Can only answer questions that start with “why” or “how”.
Bottle Imp: Green
Answers one question truthfully. Knows everything that Hell knows (which is damn near everything). If you eat it, or if it crawls down the throat of an intact corpse, it can possess that body for 30 minutes. Dies quickly upon contact with air. Can only answer questions that start with “when” or “where”.
Bottle Imp: Red
Answers one question truthfully. Knows everything that Hell knows (which is damn near everything). If you eat it, or if it crawls down the throat of an intact corpse, it can possess that body for 30 minutes. Dies quickly upon contact with air. Can only answer questions that start with “who”.
Speak With Beasts
You can speak with all non-swimming, non-flying, non-crawling, animals for 3 minutes (use a timer). Smaller animals tend to be smarter. Carnivores tend to be demanding.
Speak With Birds
You can speak with all flying animals for 3 minutes (use a timer). Birds are usually very smart, very stupid, or very smart and pretending to be stupid. Migrating birds are the primary source of gossip in the world, especially modern gossip.
Speak With Crawling Things
You can speak with all crawling things (such as lizards and slugs) for 3 minutes (use a timer). Reptiles tend to be careful, pragmatic, and stubborn. They usually know the deep history of a place. Insects know many useful things, but they struggle with human concepts of time and identity.
Speak With Dead
You can speak with a corpse as long as it has an intact mouth (or if you reattach the jawbone) for 3 minutes (use a timer). They tend to be incoherent, obtuse, and prone to reminiscing.
Speak With Fish
You can speak with swimming things for 3 minutes (use a timer). Cetaceans want to know all about you so they can fit you into their theories and stories. Fish tend to be amazed by everything, forgetful, and a little awkward. Sharks talk of nothing else except eating
Speak With Metal
You can speak with metal for 3 minutes (use a timer). Metal tends to have a pretty good knowledge of everything that has directly happened to it since it was forged, but not things that happened to it. Weapons speak of their kills; locks speak of what they guard. Cursed and trapped metal objects tend to be liars.
Speak With Plants
You can speak with plants for 3 minutes (use a timer). Plants often have either a deep-seated hatred towards things that eat them and cut them down, or resignation. Trees tend towards the hateful side of things, and sigh a lot. Flowers tend to be optimistic idiots and/or sexually graphic. Grasses are nearly impossible to talk to because they all shout at once.
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