Tuesday, January 10, 2017


I feel my players are competent in combat and are grasping the more advanced concepts of dungeon delving they are mainly doing so without an understanding of how their class is a way to interact with the world. Each class has mechanisms on how to go about problem solving encounters. I feel that H, K, and W have a good grasp on the mechanics they uniquely have to interact with the world. Ramona makes short work of any wall, gap, situation which needs wind. Margaret has begun tracking everything she comes across on the off chance it's corpse may be useful to the party. Reklaw understands that staying alive is very important and even though he is only level 3, he worries deeply over everyone's combat capabilities. For my remaining 3 players, hopefully this will help you realize just how much you can do.



Please use a class ability, just one
The Acrobat class grants you a plus 4 to your Movement, Initiative, and Stealth scores and a plus 6 to your Defense score.  I forget what your dexterity score so we just won't include it in the following calculations. Using Goblin-Hack an average unarmored character's Movement, Initiative, Stealth, and Defense are 12, 10, 5, and 10. The system is largely based on a roll under system which means that an average character would have a 60% chance of successfully climbing/jumping/swimming/sprinting to their objective. Your Movement score is 16 which means you have a 80% chance of successfully climbing/jumping/ swimming/sprinting to your objective. Goblin-Hack doesn't really have metagaming, your character knows his capabilities and understands the prowess of his abilities. The average character with his initiative of 10 means every time initiative is rolled there is 50% chance of him acting before his enemies do. If I remember you have a decent wisdom which means your base is already higher I'll just use 12. Your Initiative is 16 upping your chance of going first in combat to 80%. The average character has a Stealth of 5 which gives him a 25% chance of success on sneaking past others. You have a Stealth score of 9 which means you have a 45% chance of sneaking past others. You have an obnoxious plus 6 to your Defense score. While defense scores get penalties from monster HD, making the actual Defense score much lower for any character you only arrive at a 50% chance of getting hit by an enemy when they have 6HD, and at that point they usually also deal damage in the 3d6 range and have mystical abilities. But even then your Movement of 16 means you are that much more likely to get away.

Now let's go through your class features outside of score increases, I'll go through the ones which don't occur only once per a character's life.

Tricky - You get a bonus to any combat shenanigans you want to inflict on an enemy. This can range from anything to grappling, to throwing sand in their eyes, to disarming them, to tripping them.

Cat Feet - You treat falls as 20' shorter, essentially ignoring 2d6 of damage from falling. Further you gain plus 4 to your defense when you are trying to move past/away from an enemy. Assuming you are surrounded by lets say 10 1HD bandits, your Defense score against running away from them is 19 which means you have a 95% chance of simply ignoring their bumbling attempts to hit you.

Great Escape - Once per day you can escape form a constraint, not only physical but social ones.

Lucky - Once per day you can reroll one roll of a d20.

Redirect - Every time an enemy misses you, which is 75% for a 1HD creature, you may force them to make an attack against another target if they are close enough. This only works if you are fighting them, so you couldn't make a that mob of 10 bandits skewer themselves as you run away.

After writing this I have a few concerns that I won't be able to ever challenge your character in a meaningful way. I know you've seen Ty Lee fight in Avatar, mechanically you can do same level of acrobatics/dodging/making enemies hit each other.


Hopefully this is your face when you realize you have powerful magic
So mechanically you cast spells by rolling 2d6 and then consulting this chart over to the right. Mechanically this means you have a 16.67% chance of having your request to Mab go off. Another 16.67% chance that Mab is upset and punishes you. Lastly you have a 66.66% chance that nothing happens. You can give yourself a plus 1 to your roll of 2d6 by offering a sacrifice or ritual or a plus 2 to your roll of 2d6 by offering a service. These raise your chance of success to 27.78% and 41.67% chance of success respectively.

Sacrifices don't take any more time simply they have to have as many HD as the prerequisite level of the curse you wish to inflict divided by two. So for the curse of chains you would need a sacrifice of 3HD. Rituals simply takes 1 turn to conduct and require d10 * prerequisite level of curse you wish to inflict in reagents. Services are when Mab will ask you to do something for her. These are often session long missions, as each request you've asked of Mab so far: don't let a party member die have nothing to do with curses she demanded a service in exchange. 

Now let's talk about what curses you can inflict and remember you can commune with Mab as many times as you want. The curses you can inflict are listed below:

The Curse of Many Lances
Prerequisite: 1st level 
Mab inflicts a curse of the elf’s design that pertains to lances, bleeding, wounds, or impalement.

The Curse of Stitched Eye
Prerequisite: 3rd level   
Mab inflicts a curse of the elf’s design that pertains to dreams, insomnia, sleep, or sleep walking.

The Curse of Eternal Darkness 
Prerequisite: 5th level 
Mab inflicts a curse of the elf’s design that pertains to darkness, night, occlusion, or the color black.

The Curse of Chains
Prerequisite: 7th level  
Mab inflicts a curse of the elf’s design that pertains to bondage, chains, imprisonment, limitation, or servitude.

The Curse of Changed Flesh
Prerequisite: 9th level  
Mab inflicts a curse of the elf’s design that pertains to metamorphosis or any other sort of bodily transformation. 

Now what these curses exactly do are up to your imagination. Be imaginative, the more creative you are the better. I'd urge you to read or watch JoJo's Bizzare Adventure or any other media where the conflict resolution is always based on lateral thinking and creativity rather than brute force winning. 


Stop giving this face to every ghost you come across
The original name of your class is Dungeon Hacker and was based on the idea of taking a cyberpunk archetype and porting it over to a dungeon crawling archetype. The blog post is here.

I also want to remind you that you can use your speak with the dead class ability to speak with your ghosts and see if they know things you don't. Last session I just gave you a gimme, with Eugene knowing the language of the Ytori, because I think this was the first time you used speak with the dead. You have ghosts of knights, gypsies, ruin explorers. Think of them as analogous to using wikipedia to look something up in the modern era. Also I think you have like 8+ ghosts now,  so now only can you make light, posses enemy undead, and open doors; you can set 3 of them in multiple settings to get the benefits of the triplicate ghosts like darkvision.

Also you keep forgetting your class ability of Hack and Slash which should have you dealing a far greater amount of damage.

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